edible garden backyard
Picture of Tracey Cole

Tracey Cole

The Vegetable garden in August

When selecting vegetables to plant, keep it simple and only grow what you like to eat. Growing in small batches at regular intervals will ensure continuous crops throughout the Summer season.

Although the weather is making Spring seem far away, it will soon be here, so it’s a good time to plan and plant vegetables for a Summer harvest once the Winter veggies are over.

If you have already added organic compost or well-rotted manure to your plot the soil will be well-nourished and ready to give new plants a strong, healthy base. Raised beds also need the addition of good quality compost or top soil.

When selecting vegetables to plant, keep it simple and only grow what you like to eat. Growing in small batches at regular intervals will ensure continuous crops throughout the Summer season.

Seed potatoes can be planted in large containers or potato sacks if there isn’t enough room on the vegetable plot. Potatoes planted now will be ready to be harvested in December.

The best vegetables to plant now are Sweetcorn, Beetroot, Carrots, Bush and Runner Beans, Eggplant, Onions, Parsnips and Spinach. Delicious homegrown salad crops are a must to grow for Summer meals so plant some Peppers, Spring Onions, Cucumber, Radish, Lettuce, Tomatoes and Celery, along with Rocket and Watercress, which is better grown in semi-shade as it will run to seed very quickly in hot sun.

Adding a few ‘companion’ plants alongside and around the edibles will attract pollinators which will in turn help protect against aphids and other pests. Rosemary, Dill, Marigolds and Nasturtiums are all very effective deterrents and look good too.
Seeds of Sugar Snap and peas can be planted out in August. Low-growing varieties are ideal for containers. Crops should be ready to be harvested in 2-3 months after planting.

If you have space plant some tasty organic fruits like easy to grow Strawberries, either in hanging baskets, containers or directly into the plot in well-drained soil. If planting in the veggie plot it’s advisable, when the strawberry fruit appears, to place some straw under the fruit to protect them from slimy predators enjoying a fruity snack!

Healthy, nutritious Blueberries should be in ericaceous soil if planted in a container, and kept well watered.
Low-maintenance Raspberries grown on canes will provide some mouth-watering fruity treats for Summer dining.
