Iris blooming flower
Tracey Cole

Tracey Cole

Delightful Irises

The idea of companion planting is about growing two or more different plants close together so they benefit from each other.

Perennial bearded Irises are one of the easiest plants to grow and care for, flowering year after year without any fuss, providing a welcome splash of colour in Spring and Summer.


Irises need to be grown in well-drained soil, with good circulation around the plants and roots. A position in full sun is preferable although they will tolerate very light shade and slightly less sun.

The rhizomes should be planted just below the surface of the soil so that the top of the rhizome is still visible with the roots spread into the soil. In very hot climates it is advisable to lightly cover the rhizomes with roughly a centimetre of soil. For a show stopping effect, plant the rhizomes about 20cms apart.

 Once established Irises are water-wise, only needing occasional deep-watering if the soil around the plant dries out.

The Dietes Grandiflora (Fairy Iris) is an indigenous, evergreen, drought-tolerant variety with flowers of white with yellow and violet markings which blooms in Spring and Summer, along with Dietes ‘bicolour’ which has yellow flowers.

Dutch Irises have gorgeous blue flowers, which bloom in early Spring and thrives in either full sun or dappled shade.This variety looks amazing when planted among early flowering perennials in any garden borders.

The Flag Iris (Louisiana Iris) is a beautiful indigenous variety that comes in a wide variety of gorgeous, bright colours. Ideally it is best grown in water features as it prefers to stand in water, however, it can be planted in flower borders but will need to be kept moist with thick mulching to keep the roots cool.

A variety of Iris that grows well under trees or shrubs is the Crested Iris Japonica which has unusual pretty ruffled pale blue and white flowers with evergreen leaves. Easily propagated by dividing the clumps.
